Chinchilla Mating and Pregnancy
Chinchilla Mating
At intervals of 28 to 35 days, the female chinchilla enters the sexual cycle and is ready to mate. This shows them to the little girl by eliminating a decoction stopper. For this period, the female can then be paired with a bucket. The actual act between the two animals usually takes place at night. First, the female still defends itself, which ends after a hunt in the cage, when the little bugle from behind on the female and covers it.
The fact that a chinchilla is pregnant is usually only discovered when the female is pregnant in the second or third week. The circumference then increases significantly and you can feel movements in the stomach. Now you have to be careful when you want to take up the chinchilla and any stress should be avoided.Please also note that the female now needs more minerals and vitamins. Pay attention to a particularly varied diet. In consultation with a veterinarian, certain preparations may be useful.

Birth and Chinchilla Baby Rearing

Mostly, one does not see the birth even with chinchillas, since this takes place at night or in the early morning hours. Just before birth, the chinchilla gets contractions. This can be seen from the fact that the female bends and stretches. If the chinchilla is disturbed now, it tries to delay the birth and increases the risk of complications.After half an hour of labor, the female pulls out the babies sitting with their teeth and licks them dry immediately before the next labor announces another baby. Depending on how many babies are born, the birth may take several hours. Now you should remove the sand bath for about a week, so that the uterus of the chinchilla can not ignite.
The babies are fully developed at birth and usually weigh 50g. For six weeks, the chinchilla is busy nursing the babies. With a very large litter it may be necessary to feed (canned milk with 7.5% fat with hot drinking water in the ratio 1: 1).At the latest when the babies are four months old, you should separate males from females to avoid further offspring. The chinchilla babies should be handed in at week 12, so that they can learn the usual behavior from their parents until then.